I have made up my list of things I need to get done, but always seems like to get A done you need to accomplish B and C first. (Don't ask me why B & C are before A, its the way life is!) Of course, this could be another form of procrastination but....
One of the things I listed was to clean off my desk. I don't know when it started, but piles and piles of stuff just started spreading and covered both my desk and dresser. Whether you believe in feng shui or not, this was impeding my work. So I spent some time and got it organized. As of right now, everything is where I need it. Sort of. lol
Here is a scary before:

And after :) :

So needless to say, I am a bit happier at my desk. Although this could lead to procrastination through cleaning of the rest of the house. lol
There Comes a Day
The smile never leaves its place
Of a few inches below the eyes
On a simply glowing face
The heartbeat sets a rhythmic time
Inside a body frozen still
Being this excited could be a crime
There comes a day
When fate will bring you
One person makes all sadness fade away
The house is a never ending source of procrastination for me. As of right this minute I am fighting cleaning the kitchen and getting stuff in the crock pot for dinner. It can wait. I have an hour scheduled off for lunch - which is plenty of time to eat and clean up, yet I'm fighting it. As a writer and someone who doesn't have "office hours" or a "boss" it's sometimes tough to do work - there's a never ending supply of other things to do.