Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm really not a child

It could just be me, or it could really be happening, but is seems people around me, friends or what have you, have taken to treating as a child at times. Telling me what to do, think, say, eat. Generally I guess when things people do annoy me, I simply ignore it and it will either go away or I will keep ignoring it. However, the past few weeks, with the mixture of schedule changes, stress, lack of sleep and my own inner battles, these little....orders, are pissing me off to no end. Well, maybe not to no end, but its setting my nerves to raw in an instant instead of just bubbling under the surface. Part of me feels bad when/if I do show my annoyance, but the other part of me wants to go WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE!?

Minus my son, we are all adults. I accept that. I also accept, even if I doesn't make me overly happy, that I am older then 90% of the people I talk to, work with, and hang out with. I have a lot of experience in my own world. I know what's good for me and what is not. I know my limits. I know my weaknesses and downfalls. Yes, like all people, at times I will ask for help, or advice...this does not mean I need someone to hold my hand or scold me in public. Seriously, it drives me crazy. It crosses the line of friendship and caring into the condescending realm.

Overall, I love my friends. They all have strengths and weaknesses. They all mean something to me. They will all make mistakes. They won't all always get along or like each other. Its life. I get it. I wouldn't want to be here without my friends.

But lately...I could do with just a little less 'parenting' from some of them. Ah well.

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