Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why do I bother?

I find myself saying "why do I bother?" way more often then I would like. One would think, that I would be able to stop 'bothering' with it all. Yet I do anyway. This is really pissing me off. Mainly at myself...and also because I can see another friend as right when they told me, never mind, that friend was just right I think and that is shitty. Other friends are right and THAT is just shitty. I am right, and that is just shitty. So why the hell do I bother?!?


Always up in the air
Never sure where to land
The bottom is easy to see
Not quite floating
And not allowed to rest
Tumbling through at other's whim
Take control of the air
Pick a place to land
Good or bad you choose it
Screw those that don't allow it
No rhyme to the reason of your unease
Should not be something to let yourself stress


  1. Why do you bother talking in giberish?

    *hugs* - no clue why you're pissed, but I totally want to punch someone on your behalf right now.

  2. YES! WHY DO WE BOTHER?? I believe because inside ourselves we still believe in the goodness of it. i tried talking with a co worker about my feeling with a situation an all he could do is be sarcastic about it. Why do I bother?? Because I just hope for once he will understand my seriousness in the matter. Geez! LOL I just keep on hoping....... someday...... or do I got to spell it out for him!!!!
