Monday, January 19, 2009

The drink is evil!

Well..ok, the drink isn't evil. Not eating before you drink is. Which is one of the reasons I was so quiet and did not post anything (I DID write). I am the girl that can out drink pretty much anyone. No, not always proud of this...ok, yeah, I usually am. This weekend however..ugh.

I was invited to a housewarming party of some new friends. I, in my BRILLIANCE, did not eat all day. No, wait, I did make some eggs around 1ish. I, in an attempt to relax (that whole 'meeting new people freaks the hell out of me' thing) accepted my first drink. Mostly rum and a wee bit of Coke I It was good though! Normally, I can have a few of those, add in something else here and there and I won't even feel a slight buzz. To my embarrassment, I was more then buzzed. Ugh. I hate being drunk. Mainly because I tell people I am drunk...and I laugh. A LOT. At EVERYTHING. I kind of annoy myself. lol The fact that I tend to remember all that I do also makes it worse. I am wondering if I'll ever have another invite to hang out with them. lol


Today I got a new cat. :) I haven't had a pet in a long time. Partially because I am not 'allowed' to have pets here and part because my ex-roommate had two cats...and she made me hate pets. A lot. And I love cats, so you can only imagine what it was like. The kitty is a cuddler! Love him! ...but he also likes LOTS of attention..that could become annoying. I'll have to see. He won't stay still for a pic though. :( Very frustrating!!! Still working on a name for him.


The world seems so quiet now
As the clouds meet the city
The soft pink glow reflecting back down
Makes the world seem simpler and clean
The stars radiate from the street lights
Creating a mood not seen in the sky
Like a cocoon enveloping the town
And keeping it from the wide outdoors


  1. a) no embarrassment needed. In my book, if you aren't naked and dancing on table tops, well, you're still aways off from drunk.

    b) You got a new cat!!!! So cute!!!

  2. hmmm...then I guess I have never been fully drunk. lol
