Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Too much noise in the silence

When I have my chances to sit and compose, so many thoughts hit me all at once, and it becomes so difficult to choose what to settle on. I've tried music before, and depending on the type, it helps me along. Lately however I find myself listening to all the lyrics and trying to figure them out instead of focusing. Go figure.

Silence is like white sometimes I think. White is the reflection of all colors. Silence is the reflection of too much internal noise.

I have been doing sorta poorly on my daily goals for my book, so I plan to make up for it on Saturday and Sunday. So far no real plans to do anything with friends. There was a mention doing something Saturday...but I don't think I was taken seriously, so no plans probably. lol So I hope its a nice sunny day so I can open the blinds and watch the trees. That always seems to calm my mind and allow the creativity to flow.

Besides that, I need to make sure the child studies his spelling tomorrow since he came up with a creative reason for not doing so today. But he'll "study in the morning instead of watching tv." Right.

The song is on constent play in my mind.
Until I have every word seared behind my eyes
I don't think it will go away.
I begin to think I have a plan
But the plan is just a verse from the song.
I think I am starting to feel a certain way
But the emotion is being fed from the song.
I try to pause the tune playing over and over.
I try to cover the sound with real music.
But as I lay quietly, trying to sleep,
the words and music
repeat like a message.

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