Wednesday, April 1, 2009

That she made a decision the other day...

But is totally failing on the follow through of it. Heck, it hasn't even been started. Not sure what is stopping me, I know my friends are there to back me up, but I don't think its fully in my nature to do. Which is not a good thing. Yes, I know this is completely vaugue. I'm good at vaugue. Very good. lol

Otherwise the day has been 'eh'. I've been dwelling on my wallet. It just saddens me that someone has/had it and now everything is gone to me. I cleared off my home answering machine (totally give that number to people I don't want to actually talk to, and its listed) so that the good Samaritan that picked it up could look up my name (because its in the wallet) and call and tell me its all good. But no. No call. :( Ugh, why do people suck so much!

The past few days I have been eating crazy stuff. I have no idea why, but I think tonight when I had a salad with creamy Italian dressing all over it, that was the healthiest thing I have eaten. (Still not sure on the sushi I had the other day.) Seriously, I must be stressing. Maybe over the decision I made, but am waffling on. Then the wallet. Bah. I think I have eaten more sugar and random crap the past few days then I have in the past few months. But tomorrow I will be better. No, I don't deny myself things, but I really can't live off the crap I have been eating and my body is not happy with it. Its becoming all sluggish and fighting the workouts. This makes me unhappy. So, if you see me with crazy stuff in my hands..ok, don't slap my hands...or look at me sternly...but maybe be subtle as you rip it OUT of my hands. lol Drinking does not count. :p


I started this at work today. I didn't forget to start writing it down when it came to me. Thing is, I kept getting interrupted and I so I think my focus changed a few times. There are elements to this one I like, so I might have to work on this one some more...and I don't think its finished either. Ah well. :)

A cloudy fog inhabits the
Turn in the road along the trees
The patchy which highlighting the
Bright greens and deep browns
That the forest possesses
The tops of the trees become white
As the sunlight that peeks
Through the fog hits them
Quiet settles in with the fog
An inherent trait that it brings along
Looking down the leaf strewn path
I don't know what is there

(yeah, no closure, but don't know where I want it to go yet. lol)

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