Monday, October 12, 2009

Is about candy corn

Because it is EVERYWHERE now. I love candy corn. I have no idea why. I think I had a very small amount of it last year so maybe I want it more this year to make up for it. Today I bought some 'gourmet' candy corn when I was shopping for a party. There are chocolate covered candy corn sitting on my desk. How happy am I? lol Granted, I had to stop myself because I was getting way too much sugar, but still, WOO HOO!! :)

That's it people. I want a happy simple post. There it is. What is your favorite Halloween candy/snack?


Its everywhere if you look
In the street
In your house
At work
In your bed
Its everywhere if you look
You just need to
Let it get out
Of your head


  1. I'm partial to the pumpkins myself, though it's basically the same substance as the corn (which I also appreciate). However, this year's sugar pumpkin crop (at least every bag at Walmart) is far more sickly orange looking than last years' sugar pumpkin crop.

  2. lol The pumpkins always feel like a bit too much at once. The corn was 'just right'. :)
    And there are lots of different versions of both out this year. Very strange crop indeed.
