Sunday, October 11, 2009

There was a lot of weekend in my weekend

My plan, going into this weekend, was to do nothing. I had to work Saturday morning so I figured I would do that, but nothing else. Boo to everything else. That was the plan.

Then a friend who I hadn't hung out with in a while texted me Friday and wanted to do dinner and go out after. I said ok, but planned on only going out for an hour or two. Well, after dinner we went to my favorite bar, the Sandbar, we watched the KU Bar Band come in and preform. We all talked for a while then we all decided to dance on the bar...which is always a fun time there. Then we went to the local piano bar (which I had never gone to) and snuck into a VIP lounge (at the time I didn't know we were sneaking, only when we were getting kicked out of it! lol). We listened to a few more songs and then went back to the Sandbar. (For the record we were going to go to a different bar, but there was a line. Go figure!) I could have stayed out longer (they were) but I was trying to be responsible since I had to work the next morning and I wasn't sure if I wanted to flirt with this guy that was there or not
(its a hot/cold thing and I just don't feel like putting in the effort), so I took off for home. That was Friday night.

Saturday went to work. Was thinking I may have tickets to the game because a friend of mine told me she won some and she didn't think they would be using them, but she had to check with her husband. When I got to work a co-worker was holding two tickets and I asked if they were for me (thinking my friend might have dropped them off) and she said yeah. But they were her tickets and she wasn't going because her friend couldn't come to town. I was going to call someone (my dad most likely) to join me, but then saw this stadium blanket up by her desk. I asked her about it and she had been planning on going to the game! She didn't want to force me to take her with her. Silly girl. So I told her she should go with me. It was hella cold, but the seats our office gets are good, so no complaints. It was a good game...minus the missing defence from KU but that is another story...

After watching KU win I went to the store and then to a late lunch with the boy. Took him out to the pond to walk around...but I was still cold from the game, so that was short. Finally got to take a nap around 5ish. Then a friend texted me and wanted to know what I was doing that night. Nothing. lol Turns out one of his friends had come to town. So I ended up going out to dinner with them and then spent the rest of the night with friends at one of the bars downtown. Followed by 'breakfast' at Perkins. lol (I will also leave out the story of my flippin' flat tire at 2am and how it made me cry. Stupid life and making you sad when you are happy.)

Today, well, today I slept till 2:20ish. Yup, you read that correctly. Apparently my ass was tired. lol Sadly though, my friends that I was going to the Renfest with today had tried texting me at 12:30 or so and were already there! So I jumped up to get ready and headed over. It was COLD outside, but still fun. I'm glad I was able to join them. It was fun, and everyone approaches the Renfest differently. Its always interesting to see. Also interesting what you end up experiencing. This time I got pulled up to dance with the 'people of the Renaissance' at the end of the day. lol Which was fun.

Finally made it home around 7:40 tonight. I know where my weekend went, but my goodness, I need a weekend to recover! I'm glad I went out and did everything. As is normal, needed something to take my mind off of things.

This week holds lots of planning...and coping.


Glass Walls

It goes up without a sound
There is not way to see
How big it is
Or when it came to be
But the glass wall is there
Preventing you from going back
And confusing you when going forward
They seem to pop up everywhere
And you can't knock them down

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