Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hope in life

Hope. We are told without hope that our lives lose a bit of meaning. We are told so often to also stop holding out hope for things. That middle ground doesn't seem to exist.

I had a dream a few nights ago. In this dream someone that I hadn't thought about in a while was there. The right things were said. The right feelings were conveyed. Things lined up as they *should*. Past experiences were addressed and explained. Things were, in short, perfect. A perfect that I didn't know I wanted or thought possible. (Keep in mind, my perfect is realistic, so perfect doesn't mean perfect.) Its hard to say in words the...relief/happiness/hope that was in this dream. Then I woke up. All taken away. As with many good dreams, I had to sit for a while and sort out the facts. Then, as I do, I had to think about it. The worst though, was that feeling that it had been taken away, and with reality, hope for it got taken away too.

How can you not hope for something like that when after you dream it? Isn't it something to keep you going each day? That hope that something like that can happen? Reality, however, tells you that over time, you need to give things up. Stop hoping for things that will never happen.

There may not be a middle ground, but I believe there is a fine line to decide. Things that have moved on in time, that have no chance of happening, I guess, we should logically let go of hope for. We can't stop our hearts or subconscious from hoping, and they may, but we should probably stop. Maybe things like career plans or government can stay on the 'always keep hope' level, because so many things change.

Or hell, I don't know. I am fond of saying "anything is possible," so why should we give up hope about anything? Why is it wrong to hold out hope for something we think can make us happy? ....Because sometimes that hope can make us sad. Such a circle.

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