Thursday, November 18, 2010

That its funny thing starting over

A few weeks ago, while I was running, I fell. It wasn't a horrible fall. It hurt, but I got back up and tried to keep going. My ankle hurt and I ended up walking back and not continuing on. This bothered me, because I don't really like quitting. ...and quitting is too easy to do. So my ankle was sore, but so was my knee. I figured no biggie, my knees always hurt...and they hurt more when I run.

Its embarrassing going down stairs because you can hear my knees crackling. Apparently it runs in the family, so I am hoping that I can stay active enough to last me a while, because it looks like my knees will not want to move later on. ANYWAY>>>>

My knee was killing me. Despite the embarrassment of falling and already being a slow slow runner I wanted to go back. My knee however was not even wanting to move half the time. Throbbing pain is not my friend. So I took the week off. Then the next week came, it felt better, but schedules got in the way. Inactivity didn't help my knee. It didn't make it worse, but it made me lazy. So I am going on almost 3/4 weeks of not running. And I really, really want to go. I want to try out my new jacket. I want to get better. I miss the trails.

But, since so much time has passed, it'll be like starting over again. I so am not looking forward to that at all, and its hard to get over. Its easy to find excuses when you know you aren't going to be good at something. I know I can't run tomorrow, but by God, I better on Saturday and Sunday. Knee and weather be damned!!!

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