Like I said before, Thanksgiving was at my house this year. I got to sleep late last night...and then kept getting up thinking I had left the stove on. Bah. Anyway, I set my alarm for 8:30/9 to get up and put the turkey in...and then maybe slip back to bed for a bit.
Nope, not gonna happen. I was woken up at 7:30 and avoided getting up till 7:45. My brother I think was only trying to help me, but I had this fear he was wanting me to get the turkey in right then. BAH! So I finished prepping it. (I made a brine for it and a special spread.) Got it in the oven and then decided to just finish up some other things. And then get the table ready. And clean. And then clean myself. Then cook some more. Then it was time to eat! The whole morning gone.
The I had to clear the table and then we started playing games. We played games till 10:30. Nothing crazy for us really, but omg, I was tired. I don't think I have played cards that bad in a long time. lol At least I was able to function for Pinochle.
Needless to say, right now, with my almost 5 hours of sleep and all the work I did yesterday and this morning, I am about dead. I almost closed my eyes while we were playing!
I however, have a tradition to continue. You can't see the past ones, because I have/had different blogs, but I do like to say what I am grateful for. :) So here we go!
- My family. I love my family. As much as they might drive me crazy at times, I would be lost without them. They don't know me best, but they've know me longest and at my worst, and are still around to tell me they love me.
- My friends. Oh the categories of friends that I have. The many different areas of joy and life you bring to me. How boring and lacking would the world be without you. I am so thankful that the world collided our living spaces. :) lol
- To my friends that have known me longest, I have to be grateful to them for sticking around when I was driving myself crazy this year. You have no idea what that means to me.
- I am thankful I have a job. It may not be what I want. It may not be where I want to stay, but I have a job, and right now, that is a big thing.
- I am thankful that I am smart enough to learn new things...and that I have people willing to help me do so.
- I am thankful for my son. He may drive me to the edge of insanity more times than not, but I love him to death and his hugs make all the problems in my world melt away.
- I'm thankful I am not a 'cookie cutter' person. That I was taught to listen to people and to the whole story and to people individually. least I think I'm not a cookie cutter person...
- I am grateful I live where I live. yeah yeah, there is not beach and no mountains, but I love it here none the less. Maybe I don't want to be here forever, but can't think of anyplace I would rather be.
Rather be
Boring day, nothing to do
Always get a smile when talking to you
Silence is fine and jokes are good
Even the ones that aren't understood
Meaningless chatter rambling on
Don't hardly notice when your mind is gone
Sometimes it is though, and its hard to see
That many a times there is someplace you would rather be
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