Sunday, November 15, 2009

It can leave you lonely anyway and that being the 'baby' of the family can be rather annoying

This weekend has been really good. I've spent time with friends and/or family each day. I've laughed, cooked and had good times.

Today I woke up earlier than I wanted, but it was ok. I put a loaf or two of bread in the oven and rolled out some dough for my pumpkin pie. As it was all cooking I hung out with my son and nephew (who had stayed at my house last night). Things didn't cook quite as fast as I wanted it to, so I didn't get to go watch an area bridge get blown up with my family, but I did watch it online...and was treated to an awesome pumpkin pie just minutes after the explosion.

Gathering some games, cookies, pumpkin pie, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pie (see a trend? lol) I headed over to my parents house. See, my parents were taking my son and my niece down to Florida over Thanksgiving break, and since they were all going to be gone, I convinced them to have Thanksgiving early. Today. This is why my sister drove up.

We played some games and then had an awesomely good and large meal. :) We usually just do turkey, but they got a ham this year too. There were tons of mashed potatoes and candied yams. My sister brought some rolls up from a local bakery that were scrumdidilumous. Needless to say, we sat with a food coma for a while...and then played more games....and watched the Saints claim another victory.

As we sat around a few hours later having dessert they mentioned something about the week of thanksgiving...and them being here. It took me nearly 15 minutes to get out of them what they all apparently already knew, my parents were no longer going to Flordia, they were staying here. We would all be here for Thanksgiving. SERIOUSLY!?! ugh

Don't get me wrong, I am very happy that they are going to be around, but 1) could no one TELL me this? I found out in passing! 2) I had finally gotten used to the idea, I had excepted it. I had started formulating plans in my head. 3) They haven't told me what, if anything, we are doing now. Are we going down to my sister's now? Staying here anyway? ~ I should be used to this by now, I either don't get told or asked or its assumed I know. I swear I feel like Cindy in the Very Brady Christmas movie! lol

Anyway, the day was good. I'm not mad about them not telling me, annoyed, but not mad. Finished it up playing some more cards with my folks and brother, which is always fun.

Since then, I have been home. Watching tv. I don't do that very much...or ever..anymore. I am though because I just have this feeling...and I don't know what it is. Like something/someone is missing and I am not sure what. Its all very vexing since I don't know why I should be feeling this now. So bah to that! Bah to the fact that I know I have friends and family out there, and I feel so alone right now anyway. Woot, bring on the holidays. lol End emo mini rant.


Hope in Happiness

Arm in arm so naturally
The warmth carressing skin
Eyes that meet in infinity
Shocked heartbeats wait to begin
Electricity passes through the soul
Without thought our hearts give in
The smile of hope upon the face
To be this happy can't be a sin

1 comment:

  1. Family = people you wouldn't talk to if you didn't share DNA. Fun, fun, fun. This sounds like something my family would do. We like to say things like dinner is at 4, then serve it at 1. :) Gotta love em'.
