Monday, November 16, 2009

No, really, I'm not a fan of pain

One would think I was though sometimes. I've been getting migraines since I was in Jr High. Its sadly, a way too common thing for me. They go in cycles of severity, but more often then not, I will have at least one migraine a week. How sad is it that its one of the few constants in my life?

I used to keep a migraine journal. I would mark what I ate, when slept, when I would get the migraines, when I would get just a headache. I found some common things that can trigger one. There were some that were unaccounted for, so I looked at attitude and stress. Bingo, found some more...but still some just random. Ah, weather. Pressure or the storms bringing in allergens. Then there is sleep. So basically, I have found that just about anything can give me a migraine. Food, habits, sleep, weather, people, and life. There really is no way for me to avoid it all...and I don't plan on it either.

I leave it up to fate as to when everything will combine to form one. I keep Excedrin on hand at all times. I make sure I can help fend them off with Coke. I have two special 'migraine' pillows. I know relaxation techniques. I know some acupuncture locations to help lessen the pain. I don't however take any prescription medicine. I get asked this A LOT. (Along with, have you ever asked a doctor why you get them?) I have, in the past, taken two different types. Neither of them really worked.

Well, let me explain. The one pill really did nothing. At the time, I did go to the doctor because I had had a massive migraine for 5 days straight and I couldn't go to work. I couldn't function because of the pain, so I broke down and went. The drug I was prescribed lessened the pain, but didn't make it go away, and while on it, I couldn't take anything else. So when it wore off, I was miserable. So that one will forever be off my list.

The other one that was given to me was a beta blocker. It could have been great. I went a few weeks with no migraines. I was feeling lethargic and my asthma was effecting me more often, but no migraines..until I got one. It was the worst one I had had in a long time. Seriously thought I was going to die. Nothing I did could reduce the pain of that mf. That's when I learned that this method (at least with me) would reduce the number that I had, but when one 'got through' oh holy Hell, it was bad. Needless to say, after a few months of that, I decided to go back to taking my chances and saving my money.

The only thing positive about this is that they aren't all powerful, knock me on my ass migraines. I get some that I call 'functional' migraines. I still would love the lights to all go away, all sound to stop, the flashing in my vision to cease, but I can work with it. I just have to go slower. I can still work and get through the day. Its the ones that come and knock me on my ass to show me who's boss that still keep me home some days.

I know if I eat a big bowl or popcorn or chips & salsa, that I will more than likely get a migraine the next day. I know if the weather changes in any way, I will more than likely get a migraine. I know that if my job or personal life starts to get rough, I will more than likely get a migraine. I know if I get too much sleep or too little, I will get a migraine. Its a joy knowing that. lol I know though. Its not a fun thing, but its something I have dealt with for years. I wish I didn't, but at least I know I can...for the most part. lol


We've danced this dance before

We've danced this dance before
Round and around as it falls
Softly and soundly to the floor
Each time it seems so new and fresh
An experience new to share
While invoking memories and visions
In the swirling presented there
We've danced this dance before
Each year, a time or two
While some yearn for it to become more
So many others are ready for it to be through

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