Monday, June 14, 2010

I cried on my way to work

And I am still sitting in the car. I am already three hours late, I should go in. I need to pay bills and feed the kid, but I started having a panic attack on my way there. It could be a mix of car drama, life drama, and the job...but I didn't start freaking out about the car. Just driving here. Thinking about going in and dealing with things I don't want to. Dealing with yet another change of policy. Another idea. All I want is my exit. Damn it, I have earned my exit from there. It shouldn't be as stressful, or even more so, than it was when I started. Why is this job still in my life!? Maybe I'm a masicist, and since I can't be in a shitty relationship, I stay in a job that treats me like shit. I'm tired of stressing from this place. oh dear God I don't want to go in there. :'(


  1. *hugs* :( I'm so sorry girl. That feeling blows big time. You are going to find something else 100x more awesome. It's going to work out. I promise it is.

  2. I'm sorry hun. I know that feeling sucks a ton. Let me know if I can help in any way, either resume proof-reading or giving you a mindless movie night.
