Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's a loop d' loop

So, as many know, or may not know, my car Midnight died a few months ago. No, she can't be fixed short of a new engine. The cost of a new engine & install would be the cost of a car itself. Besides, she had other issues that a new engine wouldn't fix.

I, like many foolish people, have student loans & medical bills and what not. I am not going to get a good rate for a car loan. Nor do I want the $200+ payment associated with a new car. I simply want something that can get me from a to b and if I could actually leave town in it, all the better.

Here's the loop d loop: I need extra cash for a car. For that extra cash I need an extra job, but to get an extra job, I need a car. Getting to my regular job is going to become an issue by the end of the month as it is.

So, there is my issue. Due to my "special" location in town, public transportation is actually not an option...nor is walking really.

So I am feeling like Bill & Ted at the beginning of their Excellent Adventure, and need a time machine so I can go back (or forward) to get this even out. lol Anyone have that laying around?

1 comment:

  1. The 9 route on the bus has a stop at 23rd and Kasold and some others out there, is that close enough for you to get to? Also, having gotten rid of my car last August, I've been biking everywhere - do you have a bike? If you don't, we've got an extra here that you can borrow for a bit, if you'd like!
