Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Limits to multi-tasking

So much to do. Ok, not *have* to do, but want to do. One would think I could accomplish multiple things at a time. I have some pod casts and language tapes I want to listen to/brush up on. I have yoga to do and working out. One would think those two can be done together. But no. You can't relax and stretch in yoga if you are thinking about something else. You lose count of reps if you are working out. Or you forget to listen to whatever it is and get utterly lost. Its a bit annoying actually. It would seem like the perfect time to do both.

I can think of creative things to write or story plots while I clean, but I can't write them down. If I stop to write them down, I need to focus on that instead. Needless to say I either get things cleaned or I forget what I was thinking. Doesn't seem fair to me. (I've tried a recorder, same thing happens, I have to stop to record and then focus on recording, I might as well write it down.)

These aren't horrible problems by any means. Its just annoying to me, because I like to multi-task when I can. I want to try and start getting all these things done that I want to, before I no longer have the time. :)

Everything happens for a reason
They say it all the time
Could be snow in the wrong season
But surely it will be fine
Because nothing happens just because
Everything has the silver lining
What will happen, just does
With no coaxing of our own
Everything happens for a reason

hmmm....lol maybe I should have left the preamble of 'this poem may suck' for this one.

1 comment:

  1. There are 24 useable hours in each and every day. You decide how you use them.
