Wednesday, May 13, 2009

That storms really make me happy

Or at least the building up of one. The swirling winds that bend the trees, revealing the various shades of green hidden from me on still, sunny days. The grey clouds in the distance that create a contrast for all the colors to pop out and seem fresh and new. The highlights at the edge of the clouds as they enter or leave, giving hope to the 'silver lining'. The incredible heights to which the clouds will go to and stop, hitting invisible but strong ceilings. The smell of moisture clean and new blowing across your face. The energy the air seems to generate in anticipation of something refreshing.

Its all sort of hard to beat. :)

This week has kept me busy. We are basically done with the remodel. Thank God. Unfortunately they didn't think about how we would need electricity on the new work counter. Not sure why they thought we wouldn't but...ugh. So sometime in the near future there will be more ladders, more dust, more noise, more confusion. I don't look forward to it. But overall it looks really nice. Today was the first time I was able to use my desk the way we had planed for. SOOOOO nice. Well, minus the whole computer giving me issues today. You would think that after two days of minimal use it would WANT to function properly.Apparently not. lol

Tomorrow is either going to be great, or suck greatly. I am hoping for the former, but holding reservations on it. I am having a lunch meeting with two of my bosses, I point blank asked if I should be prepared for something...I wasn't given a direct answer, but it was a positive response that I got. ugh. Who knows. I may be taking my paper and writing in the park the rest of the summer. lol

Caroline's been thinking about how lazy she is about some things in her life. Always has she supposes. lol She just doesn't like to make the effort in some cases. In her mind, this is all just fine, but thinking that maybe in the grand scheme of things, not so much. Not sure how she's going to change that though. lol


The same patterns reveal themselves
Again and again
Surprising that each turn can still
Bring us to the same point
The same conclusions
Similar outcomes
Lives following what we make it
Or what it makes of us
From the beginning
Or skipping to the middle
Yet the end is always the same
Cycling through the world
We are all repeating

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