Sunday, May 3, 2009

That today was pretty awesome

The weekend has been, ugh, idk, crazy. There has been lots of good and lots of shitty. I'm gratefull that it ended on this day, because today was good.

Woke up early for a Sunday (this would be before noon). Got a workout in and some chores and then headed over to pick up the boy to head downtown. They have an Art in the Park there each year. Love going and looking at jewelry and paintings. Big city event with music too. Wasn't sure what he would think of it, but figured, hell, at least there is a park too. lol On my way there got a text from a friend who was thinking of heading there herself. Haven't gotten to spend much time with her lately because of schedules and health, so was happy that I might get to.

Felt total excitement with the parking spot I got. It was right across from the park. This was good because it played into the other plans I had for leaving after an hour. The boy was...mopey at first, but he started seeing what I was seeing I think. There were some great photographers there with great pics of landscapes and storms/clouds/weather. Two of my favorite things. I know he was getting into it when he wanted to draw on the car with chalk. So weird, but really cool.

My friend didn't get there until an hour later, and that was when I needed to head off. I stopped by and talked to them for a bit, but left them to their fries and brat. mmmmm Then, taking a risk, I took the boy to see Bob & Elizabeth Dole speaking at the Lied Center. (I had a bribe of funnel cake afterwords set up in reserve.)

Got there 5 minutes before it was supposed to start. The tickets were free, but I was never able to get on campus to get any so I was hoping that there would be space inside. Luckily there was...I am after all in a liberal town, they weren't knocking down the doors to see two old GOP Senators speak about life. After confusing some door hosts, we got in and took our seats. I was really happy I went. If you have never listened to Mr. Dole speak off the campaign trail, you really should. He has a great sense of humor, and when he is with Mrs. Dole..oh its just cute. lol

It was interesting to hear Elizabeth Dole speak about what she had to deal with when she was first entering the jobs she did as the first, or rare, female to do so. It was also inspiring to hear someone talk about loving what they did/do because of a passion to do it. They were both talking about it. I swear, sitting there, I was like WHY am I not working in someone's office right now?

I also had to respect them both, because they spoke of bi-partisanship. I, even though I have my opinions, can't respect a lack of compromise that I see spouted so often. When asked what they thought of Arlen Spector's change of party, Dole said "I wasn't happy with his decision, but I am his friend, and I respect that. I believe he will also continue to do what he has always done, and vote what he thought was best. He won't be a yes man, just to make the numbers." I think its the belief in your fellow politicians to do what is RIGHT, not just right for your party, that is so cool. Ah, if only the newer ones could think that way...

The boy listened to most of it, but I could tell he was so ready for it to be could be because he kept asking me when/if it was over. lol But he never asked for his GameBoy (which I am eternally grateful for). So after it was all done, I took him back to the park. By then my friends had already gone, so I sat in the sun while the boy played in the playground. Fair trade I think since he sat through a lecture! Then got some mondo curly fries. Good God, there was enough caleries to last me all week...if I had eaten it all. But even with the boy eating most of it, couldn't finish it. We cut the grease with some fresh squeezed lemonade and then headed back to the park.

On a side note, I know he knows about homelessness. Or at least he did when he went to the Catholic School, but I guess they don't talk much about it at the public one. I say that because we passed two benches on the way back to the car and on both benches there were men sleeping. Passing the first one he turned to me, pointed to the man and sort of laughed because he was sleeping. I pointed out the other one, and he thought it was silly. Then I told him it was because they were homeless. Total sadness came over him. He was so sad for those two men who didn't have a bed to sleep in. He really is a very empathetic child. He can do such good I think.

After the park we ran home so I could change and then we went to the Arbor park so I could get a nice walk/jog in. Love it there. While I walked, he went around the pond with another kid to look for tadpoles. So relaxing and so great a day hanging out with just him. Very nice.

Got a call from another friend who was in town and she came over and hung out for a while. Again, sitting outside enjoying the weather. ...and getting freaked out by protective staring birds. lol OH OH OH and seeing little baby bunnies!! Too cute! Hopped right by our feet!! lol (Just imagine me using a high squeek voice there, and you have my true reaction to it.) She also brought me her PostSecret books to read. After she left I started one...and then the other..and then the other. lol I'm done with them all. I can't re-read them tonight, because I already teared up over lots of them. ugh. lol Still not a bad way to end my weekend. Here's to hoping this week turns out as good as today. :)

Caroline's been thinking that, well hell, some things are harder then she expected. Not that she is really surprised, she just, she doesn't really know. She just wasn't expecting things to be like they are. But, like in a letter she wrote to herself (yes, she does this, don't laugh) "of anything and everything, I am sure you will be ok. times change, opinions change, life are stubborn and strong and talented. you are all good. you may be down right now..but you will be fine." She's quite the pep talker huh? lol

It seemed so hollow
Echoing off the buildings
The cobblestones not absorbing
The sound of each step at all
Each placement of the heel
Is announced in all its solitude
Yet followed so closely by another
The night swallows the sounds
Past the edges of the sidewalk
The singleness of the echo
Only lasting there
A couple walks by
The walls of the buildings
Do not notice
The cobblestons do not announce
The passing of the quick steps
The night welcomes their
Laughter and simple conversation
The hallowness returns.

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