Tuesday, February 10, 2009

That this whole thing is getting ridiculous

Caroline is thinking that she is smarter then to post the blog that she had just written. She wants to act like a whiny child, but thought better of it.

Fate is a cruel, cruel thing sometimes.

Caroline is thinking that she wants to share everything, but what would be the point? Besides, everyone should have secrets right?

The silence of the woods
You are never fully alone
Even when there are no people about
The birds, animals, and trees speak
When you choose to sit and listen
There is no silence of the woods

How can I
The choice is never really mine to make
How can I
My nature is to give and not to take
How can I
When I know the truth so well
How can I
When both alternatives, and the present, gives me hell
How can I
When I know what it is I think I want
How can I
When feelings and memories continue to haunt

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