Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My days are just messed up

Its always the little things that I notice the most. How weird is that? Its like big changes, well, you see them, they are there, you have to deal...but the little things. The things that became part of you day. When something messes with them, you are out of whack. Sometimes you don't even notice that its the little changes that are messing with you.

I lost a few outlets to the world the past week or so. With the 'spies' around, not sure when I will get any of them back. My normal pattern to start the day, or release of tension at work has been taken from me. No warning, just gone. Its bad enough when you have to make changes on your own, but forced changes have never settled well with me.

I miss my normalcy. :( The days feel bad enough.


They say the 'tortured' soul writes some great poetry. I think that is true in some cases, or most cases I guess. This time is an exception. What I have been writing isn't poetry. What I have been writing could/would be taken badly or wrongly. So, I shall endeavor to stare at the stars tomorrow, or follow the clouds at midday, and find inspiration in nature. It always has a way of circling back anyway.

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