Friday, April 10, 2009

That its so weird, she's not going to talk about it

Truly, truly bizarre. And in a way that can not be explained, totally cruel, if not intentional. Ah well.

Today was a great one. My wallet was found so I have everything back. EVERYTHING. Nothing was taken out of it. This makes me very very happy. Granted I had to take a 30min drive to get it and then 30 back, but its all good. Saved me from spending money on shoes/clothes this afternoon. ...And my faith in humanity has been restored.

I went to my favorite tea place to relax and write. I ended up playing with Twitter, playing my DS, staring at tea, "thinking" about writing, and then writing a poem. I had hoped to get a few pages mapped out for my book. (Finally got some feedback from my 'beta reader'. Happily, she really likes the direction it is going, but said she is having fun with her 'red pen'. lol That I expected and told her she would have. So I can feel comfortable moving on with it.) But just when I thought I would get some written, a friend called. When I got off the phone with her, a friend showed up. Then I was late to my dinner party. lol So no book today. I could work on it tonight but....yeah, I think I am going to sleep instead.

One of my old co-workers that I loved, came to town for the weekend and got to spend some time with her. Got to hear a 'non-biased' opinion on things. Both refreshing, yet not shocking. lol Her son and my son get along great and they had so much fun. I felt bad when it was time for us all to go because I am not positive when I will get to see her again. Plans are being made to go up North and go camping though. Totally up for that.

Caroline has been thinking that her word for the month must be 'totally' because she has been saying it a lot lately. Wonder what next month's word will be......


The stranger sitting next to you
At the crowded coffee shop...
The child riding the horse
Outside of the grocery store....
The couple sitting on the bench
As you walk by at the park...
The new car that passes
As you unlock your old one...
The friend that listens to you complain
About the same thing for the uptenth time...
The person you come home to
And who welcomes you...
They bring you
A rock
Everything plays a roll in our lives.

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