Thursday, November 25, 2010


I never tire of writing this blog. Its my yearly "I'm Grateful" post. Each year, you should be able to find something to be grateful for, and I think that sometimes, when you sit down to think about it, you find that you have more then you thought.

This year has been a tricky one. It started out with a part time awesome job with awesome people. Still part time in the job from hell. Job from hell grew worse, other job fell through. Started my own business selling at farmers markets. Lost my part time job at the place I had been at for over 7 years due to the economy. Was unemployed for months. Found a job that is in the area of my field of study, and whereas right now its not what I want to be doing, it has to opportunity for me to be doing those things.

So I am grateful that I am finally out of the job that has made me so miserable for so many years.

I am thankful my friends supported me and were happy for my escape.

I am thankful for my new friends this year. They have brought fun to my life and comfort. I appreciate the new things they bring to my life.

I am thankful for friends that I have had for years. You've stayed with me. You make me happy.

I am thankful for my friends that understand I go through cycles of in and out of wanting to be social/loner/need to see everyone every day. I can be difficult without meaning too. (Guess we all can.) Thank you for understanding I am human.

I am thankful for people that read this blog. There are a few regulars, and its nice to know someone out there I don't *know* reads my drivel, and feels it is worth their time. Thank you.

I am thankful for my family. I am glad I got to see some distant relatives, reconnect with others, and remain close to others. I love my matter if they drive me crazy at some times. :)

I am thankful I have been able to put food on the table and pay my bills (as regularly as I can lol). I think at this point in time, that's all I can ask for right?

I'm thankful that my family and myself has stayed relatively healthy and safe.

I am thankful that I am still well enough to go running with people and play volleyball with people and go camping/floating.

I am thankful so many of my friends found happiness with something this year.

I'm thankful I am able to write and read and think. Its things people take for granted sometimes I think.

I'm thankful that I get to go to sleep tonight and not wake up overly early tomorrow. Fingers crossed to maybe...oh...9? Noon would be awesome, but I don't think that would ever happen. lol

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you can find your things to be thankful for too.

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