Monday, November 8, 2010

Too many ideas

My mom was really good (most the time) at making a calender of meals. She would write down what she would make every day of the week, sometimes of the whole month. She would even schedule in eating out. I understand why she did it, she had a family of six and you can't go all willy nilly at the grocery store when trying to feed everyone. Every so often I get the urge to do the same. I mean, they say if you plan out your meals you are more likely to stick to them and save money and eat better.

Yesterday, in an attempt to start my week off well, I sat down with a cook book or two...or four...and started looking through them for meals I could make when I got home from work or that I could make ahead of time. I got out a white board to write each day down and then I got some paper to write down the groceries I would need. All seemed fine till I actually started looking for meals.

See, when you have over 20 cookbooks like I do, its very easy to get distracted and pick five things before you even get to the second chapter of the book. So I had grabbed only five books. A 29min meal cookbook, a pasta everyday, a quick and easy Betty Crocker, eat right for the blood type and a Coca-Cola cook book. I thought, one from each. I was wrong.

So I thought I would be smart and pass this task of picking to the boy. Let him be involved since he would be eating it anyway. He didn't do much better then me unfortunately. So I wrote down a bunch of ingredients to get, the pages and meal names and then did nothing. I no longer had time to go to the grocery store. I no longer wanted to get so many ingredients, and then I realized that I wouldn't be able to cook two of the nights anyway!

I tried inviting a friend over for dinner one of the nights, figured that would at least lock in that day, but they never responded, so I am guessing that meal plan sounds bad. lol So I am scrapping it too.

What I think I will have to do is take this week to work it out. Plan it. Schedule my next week. Write it all up. Shop Saturday and then viola, I will have a planned week of meals for the days I am home...and maybe for lunches too.

I wish I had the money AND time (see that catch at the beginning? lol) to just cook a meal from all my cookbooks all the time. Get through them all. ....Hmmm, actually, that might be my new plan. Yes, you saw it as it came to mind. I'm not doing a Julie/Julia thing. Look up there in that paragraph, I have a Coca-Cola cookbook, these aren't spiffy things.

Ok, so starting next week I am going to pick 5 cookbooks and make one meal from each, then do the same the next week and so on until I have gotten trough all my cookbooks, then start again. I would guess this may take a year or two...or three. I think I'll invite people to join me once a week too. Maybe I'll post the week's menu somewhere and my friends can let me know. It'll be easier on my mind that way, because some of these meals are not for just two people. This could be really fun. :) lol

Ok, well, I know I haven't been writing any poetry, I'll try to start working on that tomorrow. For tonight however, I am done. As I was leaving work my boss made it sound like I will have to be in about 40 earlier then what we had previously discussed. This makes it VERY early for me and since I couldn't get to sleep early last night, I was stressed all day and I had a migraine already, I should get to bed 'early' tonight. woot

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