Monday, November 9, 2009

Its not a big town?

The town I grew up in wasn't BIG, but it was a good size. I lived there for almost 16 years. I still have family there. Ask me about random people that live there and chances are, I won't know them. I know places...but people? Nope. I had the ablity to walk around stores at any part of the day and never see another soul I knew. (Keep in mind I just said had there.)

I have lived in my current town for 14 years. I went to college here. I joined various organizations. I worked at a few different places. I went to church. On any given day though, when I walked down the main street of town or went to a store, I didn't see anyone I knew. Everyone I met was new. They didn't know *Sally* who knew *Molly* who is friends with *Tina* who is friends with me. I didn't meet people from any of the towns I lived in. There was no worries. This was exceedingly special to me because it meant I never ran into my ex. (There were a few times, but come on, over 10 years and only like 3 chance encounters and 10 sightings?)

Somehow this place got 'small' this past year. Everyone knows someone. There is always someone I know where I go. Heck, half those random sightings of my ex happened THIS YEAR. I don't know what's going on, all I know is that it is weird. Not sure I like it either. lol

I guess for some this is the norm. They always encounter this 'small world' syndrome, it just never hit me before. There are good and bad things about this. Chances are when these sort of connections happen, you will hear a story from 'back then' that you didn't know about. A 'story' you told someone is more likely to get back to those you don't want it to. In 'small' spaces, people talk and don't know they shouldn't. In small spaces, you find good friends though as well. Those that will shrug off the past mistakes as that. Those that 'put up' with you because you have entered their world, and they are ok with you being in it. You can still be in a crowded room and feel alone, but you won't be alone.


Filling my Head

Phrases passing pretty
Photos capturing the world
Words that hold strong meaning
Pictures that bring a thrill
The images they pass me
Both those made
And those residing in my heart
The dreams of all and many
The thoughts of scores and one
They fill my head with thinking
They fill my head with hope
They fill my head with questions
They give me a way to cope

1 comment:

  1. This morning while I was walking my dogs I ran into Betsy on her way to work. I love this town!
